Select from the following categories (one example only.) Use secondary data such as commercials/adverts; webpage; media and research reports, to validate your discussion and analysis.a sport organisation (private or non-governmental such health and fitness centre or sport federation)a sport facility (stadium, sport arena)a league (Formula 1, NBA, Premier league etc.)a competition (Qatar Motor race, ATP, ect)sport productnon sport product using sport as part of its marketing strategySport TV channelThe term paper focuses on branding, to examine branding strategy including brand equity800-1000 words max excluding references and table of content.Essay submission is individual electronically and will be checked for plagiarism through Turnitin. (Keep electronic prove of submission). Deadline TBCOutline for the content (see also rubrics for the term paper)Introduce briefly the case study (see examples above)Content:explain briefly the framework and concepts from academic literature (not wikipedia, but from academic sources)Discussion an analysis: apply the framework to your case study (based on secondary data --webpage of the product brand, adverts and commercials, media reports, research reports). See slides onbranding strategy and how to measure brand equityConclusion: main issues/trend resulting from the analysis and discussion regarding the branding strategy of the selected case study (strength/weaknesses, uniqueness, characteristics...etc)