-The assignment: First, brainstorm two topics you might pursue for your own “Underappreciated Research” essay. Eventually, you will narrow this down to one. Second, write a summary of each topic that answers the following: 1. What is being underappreciated? 2. Who is doing the underappreciating? 3. What is the potential impact on your discipline? -The 2 topics that I have chose are in Marketing; The first one is, "Brand personality and how to create it" Reference: The second topic is in, "Marketing Imagination" Reference is on the file section. Write only half page for each topic based on the above questions in the assignment. Example: Here are 2 examples for the way you should write the 2 topic, First example; Within my discipline, I think that two underappreciated topics are: women and the importance of the Italian neorealism movement. I think that women can commonly be underappreciated within the film industry as "statistics concerning gender in the film industry (also) heavily lean towards men" (Muessig, 2015). While I do not truly know where the underappreciating derived from, I have learned from film classes that this was common when Hollywood was starting out. I think that it became normal to see traditionally male-identified roles. However, this made characters such as Wonder Woman a hit as she challenged the status quo. This topic has impacted my discipline very much especially over the past few years and has led to things like the “Celluloid Ceiling” annual study. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) I also think that the Italian neorealism movement and characteristics have been underappreciated within Hollywood. This movement aimed to focus people's attention onto the clear social problems that were present and the harsh realities of life (especially after WWII). While this movement has seemed to dominate Italian cinema, it seems to have only influenced the cinemas of other countries. I feel as though there could be more influence, bringing a new wave of American cinema. I again am not quite sure who is doing the underappreciating here but I would think that it is each country's filmmakers as they could use more of this movement within their films. This could have the potential impact of starting a new wave of American cinema. Second example; 1. Importance of building credit asap Credit cards are often misunderstood. Most people are afraid to use them because of their bad reputation for getting people in debt. Mainly teenagers and young adults are doing the under-appreciating of credit cards. I have friends who are still using their parents’ credit cards in college or using a debit card to pay for everything. This topic has a great potential impact on my discipline because it will cause people to appreciate proper planning in making their financial decisions. 2. Importance of creating a will/trust asap Wills and trusts are often under-appreciated. Usually, in movies, wills are portrayed as something old people have on their death beds. As a result, parents are not prepared in creating a will or trust as soon as they have children. I understand that people want to enjoy their life in the present, instead of having an awkward conversation with their loved ones about death. However, the potential impact this could have on my discipline is amazing because it will allow families to have an easier transfer of property and avoiding probate, after a loved one’s passing.