The website Mathematically Gifted and Black, highlights the contributions of Black Scholars in the Mathematical Sciences. LINK : On the website you can find information about many accomplished black mathematicians. Scroll To the profiles click on Circle of Excellence at the top of the website. Please read as MANY of the profiles as possible. For this assignment you should read at least the following profiles: Aris Benjamin Winger Emma Benn Dawn A. Lott Raymond T. Perkins III Read at least one other profile (other than the mentioned above). Then answer the following questions. 1) List the names of the other mathematicians whose profiles you read. 2) Write a paragraph or two about what you learned from reading these profiles. 3) If I were going to give a version of this assignment to a future class which profiles would you suggest I ask the students to read? (This could include profiles mentioned and ones that I did not mention.) For each profile you suggest write a few sentences about why you would include this profile.