Prepare and submit a paper on black hawk down lessons learned pertaining to the army's 5 logistics characteristics. Indeed, the true meaning of disciple among the military is that the military is well structured with programs and regulations. For instance the military has manuals and policies that regulate all that they do from the barracks to the offices to operations. One outstanding policy that regulates the military’s operations is what is known as logistics. Logistics in the literary world may be said to be the availability of resources but in the military, “logistics is the process of planning and executing force sustainment in support of military operations” (Global Security Organization, 2001). This essay looks at an influential component of logistics known as logistics characteristics. The paper shall review what constitutes logistics characteristics, the importance of logistics characteristics and lessons learned from the Army’s five logistics characteristics in relation to specific military and global events such as the famous Black Hawk Down. Components of Logistics Characteristics and how they relate to the FM 100-5 The Field Manual, commonly referred to as the FM is an important component of military operation in determining basic how-to’s.