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Bias: Family Nurse Practitioners

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Assessment 2: Addressing Bias

Guidelines with Scoring Rubric


In today’s current healthcare settings, the increasing diversity, globalization, and expanding technologies produce complex ethical pressures that influence nursing practice and practice outcomes. To be effective in a master’s-prepared advanced nurse practice role it is important to understand personal values, beliefs, strengths, and limitations. The purpose of this assessment is to promote introspective reflection related to implicit and/or explicit personal biases. Students will develop a plan to reduce bias and promote personal and professional growth.

Total Points Possible

This assessment is worth 75 points.

Due Date

Submit your file(s) by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday at the end of Week 3.


Criteria for Content

Complete a self-inventory on personal biases you hold. The biases might be implicit or explicit.

  1. In a one to two-page summary, address the following.
    1. Identify your selected specialty track (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics).
    2. Discuss how biases can impact outcomes in selected nursing practice settings.
    3. Identify personal biases and attitudes toward people with various cultural, gender, sexual orientation, age, weight, and religions that are different than your own.
    4. Select one bias that you have.
    5. Develop one strategy to reduce this bias. 


Preparing the paper

Submission Requirements

  1. Application: Use Microsoft Word 2013™ to create the written assessment. 
  2. Length: The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) is at maximum two pages.
  3. A minimum of two (2) scholarly literature references must be used.
  4. Submission: Submit your files: Last name_First initial_Assessment 2_Addressing Bias


Best Practices in Preparing the Project

The following are best practices in preparing this project.

1.     Review directions thoroughly.

2.     Follow submission requirements.

3.     Make sure all elements on the grading rubric are included.

4.     Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.

5.     Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.

6.     Ideas and information that come from scholarly literature must be cited and referenced correctly.

7.     A minimum of two (2) scholarly literature references must be used.

8.     Abide by CCN academic integrity policy.


Bias: Family Nurse Practitioners



Whether intentional or unintentional, bias by family nurse practitioners results in the creation of barriers that affect health care service delivery. Family nurse practitioners are taught how to avoid being biased while providing health care services. Nonetheless, some health care service providers do not abide by this requirement. According to Matthew (2015), bias can be dangerous, as it creates inappropriate interactions that can result in unwarranted reactions to patients, hence affecting health care. Besides, bias during patient care most certainly contributes to adverse health outcomes, for example, psychological effects; further, this paper covers personal bias as well as mitigating strategies.

            Bias towards people with various attributes affects the role of family nurse practitioners during the dispensation of health care services. Bias leads to the health care providers exhibiting flashes of discomfort when dealing with a patient thus this affects the effectiveness of the medical services being provided to the patients. In reality, bias creates room for adverse outcomes that subsequently result in patients avoiding follow-up medical check-ups. Further, according to Matthew (2015), the existence of bias negatively impacts the relationship that exists between the family nurse practitioner and the patients, as it affects trust and communication. Good medical care is affected by bias, notably, when the patient suffers from obesity, as such the patient's willingness to seek medical attention is affected.

            Without a doubt, as a family nurse practitioner, I was fortunate enough to identify my personal bias towards the patient with a history of drug abuse. As an implicit bias, it can be dangerous towards the health of my patients, considering it is essential that...


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