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Being a Good Writer: A Reflective Essay

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Being a Good Writer: A Reflective Essay


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Being a Good Writer: A Reflective Essay

People tend to think that anyone can be a writer, as all it takes is a good command of the English language and the ability to put together sentences that make sense. But there is more to writing than just a good command of English and putting sentences together. Those who have had a chance to sit down and have a chat with a writer will tell you that being a writer has never been an easy thing but perhaps what is more challenging is learning to be a writer or a composer (Seow 30). This semester has been one of the best for me as an aspiring writer. The lessons I have learned as a writer are valuable and will go a long way to molding me to become the best writer I have always dreamt of becoming.

Through the semester, I have learned the essential aspects of the different genres of written tone and how they influence one's writing choice. I have also known how to identify the different types of global elements of genres such as tone, content, style, organization, and evidence to determine what kind of a writer is writing. This semester, I have learned how the writer, context, and audience influence the type of genre a piece of art is written on. The other important and exciting element of writing that I learned and must add to my rhetorical situations is to utilize rhetoric situations as part of our rhetorical process and produce rhetoric texts in collaboration with other were members of the group one was assigned to.

Different writing genres are written differently, and it is thus the work of a writer to decide which genre they want to use or which one best suits them and their audiences. The first genre that I learned was the expository genre of writing. Expository writing involves explaining a particular concept or scenario using correct facts and reliable sources of information. Expository genre involves conducting intensive research on the topic they want to write about and then sitting down and trying and analyzing the study's findings to find which information they would use for their piece of writing and which ones to leave out. The primary objective of an expository text is to inform people and pass data accurately and logically as one can possible do. Since the expository text deals with facts and logic, personal emotions should be kept at bay not to render the information biased and leaning towards the writer's opinion. The topic of my group's expository text was how "COVID Had affected different School Environment and How Learning Was Now Different for Student." Looking for credible sources of information for this topic was a vital role for me, for I got to learn what places I could get credible sources and areas that their data had to be weighed first before writing them down. "When looking for information about online vs. In-person learning, I wanted to find a credible source. Abc 7 is a significant source, so that's where I started. Here I learned how Covid has been affecting the Chicago Public School student" (Assignment 4 )

On the global elements of writing genres, I learned that although the different writing genres might be...


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