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Behavioral Disorders


ALONG WITH ARTICLE PDF FILE . has to be on children with behavior issues or mental issues You should first choose an empirical article related to one of the topics of the course. Empirical articles are those articles that describe original research and do not merely review other research. Empirical articles usually have an Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion section. The article must be submitted to me. Suggestions of journals where you can find such an article include, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Journal of Family Psychology, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry or Development and Psychopathology. I can suggest other journals to review for specific topics.  You are also encouraged to use an on-line database (such as PsycINFO) to identify an appropriate article, if you have not used this type of database previously.  I know that you can probably find something through Google or Ask.com, but the idea here is for you to learn about a scholarly resource that will help you in your future academic endeavors.  The purpose of this paper is for you to show your understanding of the empirical article, while also showing a thoughtful critique of the study that you are reviewing. Please do not just regurgitate the information from the article or use quotes. This critique should comment briefly on the study and the results from the study, and then you should spend the majority of the paper providing an in-depth critique of the study.  Some sample questions that you might want to address in your critique are:  Did the authors provide a compelling rationale for the study? Did the authors design a study that can address the hypotheses adequately?  Did the researchers select an appropriate sample? Did the authors provide adequate data analyses to address the questions that were asked? Did the authors convey their discussion of the results in a meaningful and interesting way?  Overall, what were the strengths and weaknesses of this study?  This critique should be brief, yet thorough. It is anticipated that a critique of this type could be completed adequately in approximately 2 pages (double-spaced). You might want to use the chapter on Research Methods as a starting point to help you find ways to evaluate the research study. We will also be critiquing an empirical article in class.
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