I created an airline called Raven Airlines. So for the class we just need make up the company description, mission and goals, and just a complete executive summary. You can make up anything you like. I also attached Raven Airlines performance report that you can use in the summary section. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The executive summary outlines the who, what, where, when, how, and why of the performance report. The content can be used to obtain additional financing from a bank or private investors for expansion in addition to serving as a communication vehicle. Thus, the executive summary should paint a picture of the firm’s performance during the reporting period. COMPANY DESCRIPTION The company description summarizes the history of your Airline —how it was founded and by whom, what its services are, and why they are unique. It begins to “sell” the reader on the history and growth possibilities for your Airline. MISSION AND GOALS It is important to state a firm’s mission and goals, including financial and non-financial goals.