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Autism Classroom Strategies


REQUIRED READINGS & ONLINE RESOURCES Read: Pages 202-240 Introduction to Contemporary Special Education, Smith (2018). Read: Article • Autism Spectrum Disorder, National Center for Learning Disabilities, Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Pp8jcQ97pY, October 12th, 2018. Read: Characteristics of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)Indiana University Retrieved from: https://www.iidc.indiana.edu/pages/characteristics, October 1, 2018. Read: Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder Retrieved from State of Wisconsin CESA Presentation 2 (Strategies for Classroom Success and Effective Use of Teacher Supports)(2).pdfOctober 10th, 2018 Read: Autism – Its Different in Girls Retrieved from Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/autism-it-s-different-in-girls/ ASSIGNMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED IN DROP BOX View the presentation Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder and included videos and complete the reflection and summary provided at this link https://docs.google.com/document/d/14ZweR9xjk_Tm36cuI1K1gxWfqPcVaZ1s4A3t0QY4Yjc/editand submit to drop box. Submit by Midnight Sunday of this module to the assignment dropbox. Understanding Autism Professional Development Curriculum:  Strategies for Classroom Success and Effective Use of Teacher Supports BE SURE TO MAKE A COPY. DON’T TYPE ON HERE.  This presentation includes information and video clips that will help you address the following:    ‣ Identify and use elements of classroom structure that will assist most students, including those with and without autism  ‣ Find ways to incorporate 5 key student supports into your classroom  ‣ Identify supports available to help you brainstorm, solve problems, and plan. After reviewing the presentation above, reflect and summarize answers to the following prompts:  1.     A. Describe 2 supports that you noticed in the classroom you observed on slides 11 and 12. B. Identify 2-3 elements of a well-structured classroom. 2.     After viewing the classroom clip on slide 18,describe the strategy of Priming with students with autism.   3.     After viewing slides 23-30, describe the use of visual supports in the autism classroom.   4.     After viewing slides 34-36, What is Reinforcement? What is Home Base?
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