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Auditory Information


Title Needs to be professional, concise, and informative. Originality encouraged. Abstract A paragraph no more than 250 words giving a brief summary of the background literature, aim, hypotheses, method, results, conclusion, and future directions of the current study. Introduction (~625 words) In this section, you will need to summarise and evaluate current findings and theories in the area of learning and memory. This is when you should introduce relevant terms and issues, remembering to provide definitions for technical terms. This section should also include descriptions of past studies, and a critical analysis of their findings. You need to think about whether appropriate methods and controls were employed in their study so that results are valid and reliable, as well as if the conclusions were logically drawn from the findings. The introduction should end with the hypothesis of the current study that is based on the research question provided in this section below. You are required to create the directional hypotheses. It should follow naturally from the introduction. You also need to make sure that the prediction you are making has been rationalised (i.e., the prediction is made using information from the introduction).  Research question How does auditory interference affect recall of visual and auditory information? For your Research Report, you need to transform the above research question into a directional hypothesis, based on the literature in your introduction section. Method (This is provided in this document for your information. It should not be pasted into your report). Results (~200 words) The SPSS output tables are provided (page 5 of this handout) and will be discussed in the tutorials. The tables do not need to be replicated. However, you will need to write a paragraph describing the results and report the statistics in APA 6th edition format in your research report. Attending the tutorials will help you to understand how to write this section efficiently and accurately. The tables are available for your use in the ‘appendices’ WORD document (see Assessment section of the class space) and should be included in your report appendices section located after the reference list. You will also need to draw a bar graph based on the means provided in the ‘Group Statistics’ table. Please label the axes appropriately. Discussion (~625 words) In this section, you will analyse and critically evaluate findings from the current study, and relate them back to past findings and theories that you have written about in your introduction. You should give one or more explanations for the current findings, and discuss the validity of the explanation(s). How are the current findings similar/different to past findings and why? What conclusions can be drawn? You should also discuss potential limitations of the current study and how they may be improved upon in the future. Please limit methodological limitations to those that may systematically influence the results. References (not included in word count) You need to provide in text referencing throughout the report, as well as a reference list at the end of the report. APA 6th edition formatting is required throughout. Failure to use this will lead to a lower grade (see marking rubric). Core papers Bigelow, J., & Poremba, A. (2014). Achilles’ Ear? Inferior Human Short---Term and Recognition Memory in the Auditory Modality. PLoS ONE 9(2), e89914. Marsh, J.E., Hughes, R.W., & Jones, D.M. (2009). Interference by process, not content, determines semantic auditory distraction. Cognition, 110, 23–38 Banbury, S.P., Macken, W.J., Tremblay, S., & Jones, D.M. (2001). Auditory Distraction and ShortTerm Memory: Phenomena and Practical Implications. Human Factors, 41(1), 12-29 Formatting Please follow APA style formatting and referencing
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