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Assignment 4 focuses on B2C:

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Assignment 4 focuses on B2C: 

1. Shopping comparison: Chose a product or service that you would like to buy (software purchases may not be helpful for this assignment). As a consumer, do some research online and summarize the following: 

·         What product are you looking for and what alternatives are available? 

·         As a customer, give an explanation of key considerations for buying the product/service online vs in store (such as convenience, pricing)

2. social media is a powerful platform to keep up with the changes in the market and customers. Compare and contrast the use of social media by two companies of your choice. 

·         In your opinion, which company uses social media better?  Why?

·         What is the difference in business strategies between the two companies? 


Assignment 4


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Assignment 4

Question 1:

 Desired Product and Available Alternatives

I plan to purchase a mobile phone from online, and alternatives such as Nokia, Samsung, and Techno, Infix, and Sony models are alternatives mobile phones available in the market.

Critical considerations for buying product/service online vs. in-store

Nowadays, products and services can be accessed either in-store or purchased online. The method to be used in obtaining the goods will depend on the preference of the customer after considering several key factors as follow;

First, I would consider the payment method's safety buying the mobile phone online vs. in-store as a customer. A safe payment method provided by the seller of a product, either online or in-store, is a significant factor for a customer to consider before ordering the products. A safe payment method ensures customers that it is safe to share their credit card numbers with the firm's website selling the products (Rudansky-Kloppers, 2017). Beside, assuring the customers that they would get invoices and receipts of their payment is very crucial.

Second, shipping the product to the buyer is another crucial factor to consider while deciding to buy online or in-store.  In most cases, online sellers offer to deliver the product to the customers' doorsteps within a specified period. However, there is a fear of the goods being delivered to the wrong address or getting lost somewhere in transit. Also, product may arrive at the desired destination later than they are expected. Therefore, it is always essential for customers to consider the safety of the payment process before ordering the product. 

Last, I would consider the return and refund policy when deciding to buy a phone online or in-store. The online store chosen should have a good outline of how returns and refunds...


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