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Assignment 1; Kinds of Trauma-Divorce Trauma

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Assignment 1:

Choose a kind of childhood trauma and address;

1.   How common is it for children to experience this kind of trauma?

2.   Are there specific effects that result from this kind of childhood trauma?

3.   What kinds of behaviors do children who have undergone this kind of trauma demonstrate?

4.   Many trauma interventions are developed from heartfelt concern for children and their families, but have no scientific basis. Give at least one example of an intervention that is well-meant, but not based in science, and one that has a scientific underpinning.

  • Natural disasters
  • Terrorism
  • Illness
  • Abuse
  • Divorce
  • Economic stress
  • Military family stress, PTSD

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Assignment 1:  Kinds of Trauma-Divorce Trauma






            Divorce affects the separating parents, but it has more traumatic impacts on children. Children who are often looking up to their parents find themselves receiving end when divorce or separation happens. Divorce impacts the child's life in several ways, physically and mentally. This paper describes divorce trauma in the introduction and notes the thesis statement that the guilty and thoughts associated with divorce plunge a child into trauma. Failure to address the situation affects a child's quality of life. The paper also explains some of the specific effects of divorce trauma besides describing traumatized children's behaviors. The paper also explores co-parenting as one of the strategies of shielding children from the impacts of divorce trauma.











How Common is it for Children to Experience Divorce Trauma

Children grow looking up to their parents for physical and moral care. The first people that a child typically sees and grows close to are one's parents. Parents' separation or divorce can have significant long-term impacts on a child's life. Studies show that individuals whose parents divorced when they were young are more likely to develop physical and mental health issues in life. Divorce increases a child's vulnerability to domestic violence leading to insecurity, anxiety, and an inner sense of disquiet that accelerates a long-life traumatic experience (Morin, 2018). Parents often do not see the reason to explain to their children the reasons behind their divorce opening dangerous avenues for children to harbor several imaginations behind the situation, including blaming it on themselves. Such thought leads to profound traumatic effects, which can haunt children for the rest of their lives if not handled.

Specific Effects Resulting from Divorce Trauma

            Children are often in the dark when it comes to divorce, making the victims of circumstances who lack the information about the divorce and the most affected. Most parents consider several things before opting for a divorce or separation, which often means their marital differences are irreconcilable (Eyo, 2018). However, parents do not share such information with their children, especially when they are young. The situation plunges a child into traumatic experiences with several effects, including the following.

i)                    Emotional Instability

            Children develop an emotional attachment with their parents when they attain three years or more. Research revealed that divorces that happen when a child has not attained three years have nominal traumatic experiences than if such an instance happened when a child is eleven years. Children around three and eleven years old develop deep emotional connections with their parents, and their lack of independence...


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