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Assessment 2-Case Study; Managing in the Global Environment

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Assessment 2-Case Study; Managing in the Global Environment








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Assessment 2-Case Study: Managing in the Global Environment


Global business operation is a complicated management concept due to the diversity of regulations, social, cultural, as well as ethical considerations that proprietors have to keep in mind. According to Wicks (2010), ethics constitutes to one of the main 'silent' requirements that every business, operating locally or international, has to comply with due to its ability to build trust on the customer base. This essay will examine the ethical issues presented in a selected newspaper article about the Trump Organization. The essay will be organised into ethical responsibilities of Trump Organization, why the business should be concerned with those duties, how the organisation has breached those responsibilities and some recommendations to how to improve ethics in the future business performance.

The Selected UN Global Compact

The United Nations Global Compact provides a framework of operation to be followed by businesses operating within member states. This evaluation utilises 'anti-corruption' and how the Trump organisation has violated its provisions. According to United Nations (2018) report, corruption is one of the key ethical and legal vices that any business dealing in international and local trade should avoid because it depicts a negative image about an organisation and can lead to international sanctions. The principle is concerned with advocating for equality in business opportunities, fair dealings, elimination of extortion, and most importantly. Ensuring conflicts of interests do not surface. Specifically, this principle will be used to analyse how Trump's Company continues violating ethical expectations, even when he was the leader of a powerful nation.

Ethical Responsibility of Trump Organization

One of the main ethical responsibility that the Trump organisation should embrace is promoting fair trade by ensuring business dealings eliminate corruption, such as conflict of interest. According to Deresky (2017), business management across bounder is very complicated, mainly when business leaders are interlinked with conflicting business objectives. The Trump organisation's responsibility is to ensure its dealings does not raise any public, legal, or ethical entanglements. This role is critical in building public trust in business operations and reducing legal constraints associated with violating business operations principles in local and global scopes.

The responsibility of fair trade is congruent with integrity in business operations. Deresky (2017) believed that integrity spines from the willingness and the ability of a business to carry out its operation cognizant of the needs of being accountable, transparent, and by following express and implied business principles. One of these key implied business principles is ethics that requires Trump Corporation to adhere to integrity matters. The management of Trump Incorporation is purely at the hands of family members, which poses a critical transfer of management style from the founder down the kinship line. As stipulated by Deresky (2017), the responsibility of integrity entails a shift from traditional unethical management approaches to ones that are more responsive to the United Nations Global Compact Principles of business performance.

Why Trump Organization has to Carry These Responsibilities

First, promoting fair trade by eliminating conflict of interest creates a uniform ground for business competition, growth, and facilitate consumers to have a better overview of their market choices. In this case, for Trump Organization to be accepted in the...


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