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Article comparison: “Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin” and “Zero to One: Notes on Startups, Or How to Build the Future”

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COMPARE & CONTRASTPAPER–PaulCollege Writing Pilot Program in ADMN575 Purpose of this Assignment: 1.Gauge student’s written skills in terms of basic grammar, spelling, and punctuation as well as more intermediate and advanced compositionalskills of organization, use of textual evidence, and rhetorical effectiveness 2.Provide an illustration of two different management styles or personal philosophies from well-known business figures, enabling students to encounter important organizational behavior-related issues through the eyes of successful managersof the past and present. Structure: 



Read two short excerpts from the books The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, and Zero to One, by PeterThiel.Both Thiel and Franklin could be called philosophers of self-management, and both would say that success can be planned. But they don’t think about planning in quite the same way. In the two excerpts, we can observe how Franklin and Thiel think about the emotions and moods that support or facilitate successful planning. Both also discuss how moods can coalesce into attitudes and habits of behavior, and both identify particular attitudes and behaviors that can lead to downward spirals that point away from success. Explain the differences and similarities between Franklin and Thiel’s philosophies of self-management, paying particularly close attention to those emotions, moods, attitudes, and habits which theyidentify as especially helpful or harmful to planning successfully. 




Format: The paper should contain600–900 words,12 point font, double line spacing. Review and grading process: Each paper will be scored according to a uniform rubric and returned to the student with both in-line corrections and marginal comments via Speedgraderas well as a page of more substantive comments explaining common grammatical or punctuation errors. These comments will also provide guidance as to the structure and clarity of the paper and suggestions for ways to make it more cogent. The student will then revise their paper and re-submit it to be re-scored.  The degree to which the paper improves from the first draft to the second draft will determine the student’s grade. In cases where the student scores above a certain threshold on the first try, their score rather than improvement will determine their grade, but they will still be expected to turn in a second, improved draft.



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Article comparison: “Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin” and “Zero to One: Notes on Startups, Or How to Build the Future”

Success is planned, with the support of the right emotions, attitudes, and behavior. Thiel and Masters assert that “The most contentious question in business is whether success comes from luck or skill.” In business planning, for example, organizational planning provides an individual with the necessary framework that can fully support the growth of a business venture with the ability to compete and react to challenges. A person can only succeed due to planning, where the course for achieving specific goals and objectives is well documented and analyzed. An individual possessing the right emotions, attitudes, and behavior can plan for the success of a business or life by reviewing current operations so that to identify the areas to be improved. Successful people appreciate the need of planning since it involves the process of envisioning the future targets of life.

            In both excerpts the authors support the idea that emotions and moods facilitate or support successful planning in business. According to Theil and Masters, the right attitude enables individuals to plan for the future by taking time to understand and comprehend it in advance. On the other hand, if an individual expects a future that is indefinite characterized by randomness, then there is no need of planning. Lack of planning enables substance to be trampled by the process. Conversely, Pine argues that “I judged it would be well not to distract my attention by attempting the whole at once, but to fix it on one of them at a time.” In the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, the author argues that his habitual tendency enables him to plan for the definite future, considering most of the dysfunctional in the world result from lack of planning.


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