Watch the Ted Talk video and give a: two-page double spaced essay explaining your position on the presentation. Watch the video presentation and then critique the presenter One-paragraph summary of the presentation. Include an explanation of the topic, a few details about the topic, and the purpose of the talk. One paragraph discussing the presentation slides. Did the presenter follow all of the guidelines for good presentations? What did the presenter do well? What did the presenter do poorly? Did he or she use animation? Bullet slides? Pictures, diagrams, tables? Overview slides? Were the slides interesting or boring? One paragraph discussing the oral delivery of the presentation. Did the presenter make eye contact? Did he or she get lost? Had the presenter practiced the presentation before? What did he or she do well and poorly? · One paragraph discussing what you will remember to do or not do during your next presentation. Be sure to expand here and be as specific as possible. And here is the link to the video (less than 15 min)