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Art Evaluation Essay


a.      Select one work of art from both the Rococo and Baroque periods (two pieces of art) found in the attachments. Identify the work's creator, title, and year of creation, then, using the attachments description of the two schools (pp 516-24), explain what about each piece makes it a part of that particular school/style of art. b.     Next, if possible to listen on youtube select and listen to a composition written in the Baroque style by the following composers: Arcangelo Corelli- Arcangelo Corelli: Sonata da Chiesa No. 3 in Do maggiore, Allegro composed by Arcangelo Corelli, 1653-1713; performed by Accademia Bizantina; in Music for the Moment: Violin Classics (Arts Productions Ltd., 2009), Identify the work's author, title, and year of creation, then explain what elements of the piece characterize it as music from the Baroque period.  Please only cite provided text
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