Pastoral Formation - Focuses on matters of personal functioning, pastoral identity and pastoral authority. She/He will also give attention to the articulation of personal religious heritage and understanding of their theological journey. Pastoral Competencies - Focuses on matters of pastoral care/counseling skill development, the ability to establish a pastoral-spiritual diagnosis (assessment), establish a pastoral bond with persons from a variety of social, cultural and religious perspectives, to function as a competent team member and effectively integrate theological and the behavioral sciences. Pastoral Reflection - Focuses on matters of pastoral care-counseling skill development, the ability to establish a pastoral-spiritual diagnosis (assessment), establish a pastoral bond with persons from a variety of social, cultural and religious perspectives, to function as a competent team member and effectively integrate theological and the behavioral sciences Trainees are to reflect upon three primary areas related to their growth and/or struggles: pastoral formation, pastoral competencies, and pastoral reflection. Ministry Incident Describe an incident during this week which created an emotional response in you, and respond to the following. (a) Briefly describe the incident. (b) Identify pastoral formation issues, i.e., self-aware of my pastoral identity, effectively utilized my personal and/or pastoral authority. (c) Describe ways in which you were successful and/or struggled in using your pastoral competencies skills, e.g., listened attentively, remained silent-non anxious presence, effectively conducted a spiritual assessment-treatment plan, worked effectively within an interdisciplinary team, etc. (d) Identify your embedded and deliberate theologies as related to the incident. Pastoral Reflection Describe your experience with supervision this week (group and individual). What new insight(s) did you gain? In what way(s) did you seek to integrate new insights into your practice of ministry or personhood? Describe the relationship with your peers this week. Do you feel they heard you and responded to your needs and concerns? What did and/or did not you share with your peers and supervisor(s) that you now question? Why?