Overview Appreciative inquiry is a newer tool OD practitioners use to help facilitate change. Our text discusses the 5-D approach to using appreciative inquiry. The 5-D model can be leveraged for creating positive change within the organization. The first 4-D's are: Discovery Dream Design Delivery For an OD it is important to use the fifth D, Define. This is the key for OD practitioners to help them clearly and effectively communicate the changes and different states within a project. Rothwell, Stavros, and Sullivan, 2016 state "In this phase, the guiding question is, "What generative topic do we want to focus on together?" This phase often involves reframing or clarifying a pressing organizational issue into opportunity areas for further inquiry. Read the Article: A Blueprint for Change: Appreciative Inquiry ( ) Prompt Select one of the three principles discussed in the article. How can knowledge of the principle you selected facilitate your ability to create change within an organization? What is a specific appreciative inquiry type of question you would use to further the clients' ability to move forward in the principle you chose?