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Application for Admission: Luke’s School of Radiologic Technology

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Application for Admission: Luke’s School of Radiologic Technology


Application for Admission: Luke’s School of Radiologic Technology

Student’s Name


Question 1

Growing up, I have always been fascinated by saving lives: doing that one extra thing which could contribute to promoting the life by ensuring human suffering is reduced. My siblings used to narrate to me how keen I was every time a program related to medical imaging aired on our television capturing my attention since I had the passion from when I was a kid. Viewing the increased need for radiology, I found it necessary to venture in this field as it was the only way I would use to achieve my dream: my future career plan. Over the past three decades, medical issues requiring a radiologist attention have increased not only in the United States but all over the world. Considering that medical imagining technology is not a very old human medical breakthrough, there is a deficiency in the number of radiologists who are necessary to address the increased demand.

Radiology profession has various elements that appeal to me and motivates me to pursue it not only as a career but as a way of expressing my passion and purpose in life. First, this profession is appealing because it offers me a chance to grow academically. Training to become a certified radiologist takes a good deal of time, concentration, and critical analysis of research that enable one to learn. According to Hofmann & Lysdahl (2008), the concept of radiology is far-fetched giving the learner a chance to perceive medical field in a broader perspective. Understanding human aspects that require a radiologist’s attention is appealing to me as a way of exploring human life. Secondly, understating the diagnostic procedure of using X-rays, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and Computed Tomography forms an excellent foundation for any professional in order to assist the physician in prescribing the right treatment program for the patient.

In addition, it is highly appealing to pursue a career that is in line with my dream. I would prefer to engage in a field that I have passion in rather than force myself in pursuing an area that is not in line with my future career plans. Furthermore, a radiologist plays a critical role in consultation with doctors in providing them with an appropriate treatment framework in relations to a particular medical issue. In the view of these, I feel that this profession in appealing since it also offer the practitioner a better chance for a better pay compared to other fields in the job market. Apparently, there is a recent...


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