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Create an outline for your strategic plan. Since the environment is constantly changing, your outline must take into consideration the possibility for changes in the future. Remember, a strategic plan is a projection of action into the future, and not merely a description of the current conditions.
Your plan for a strategic plan (this outline) must reflect and align with this primary focus throughout.
For this assignment, develop an executive summary and an annotated strategic plan outline with references.
Executive Summary:
1. Explain the mission or purpose of the American Red Cross organization and the purpose(s) and worth of the strategic planning effort.
2. Indicate the personnel, executives, and governing bodies who you consider will be their participants.
3. Describe how these identified participants will contribute to your planning process. Combine their simulated contributions into your research for this plan.
Annotated Strategic Plan Outline:
Create an outline of your strategic plan based on the headings provided in the Outline Structure section below.
Depending on which sector your organization represents (consider samples in the Strategic Planning for Human Services Professionals media piece in your Studies for this unit), you may have more headings.
Your goal is to outline the important design features of the plan.
Provide annotations for each heading--------An annotation describes, in just a few sentences with citations, the subject sentences for the main paragraphs under the heading.
Be sure to address the following in this assignment: State an estimate of the budgetary amount needed for the plan and justify it. Provide the foundation for the budget, which will be expanded in later assignments.
Consider future conditions and factors that will permit implementation of your organization’s mission.
Format Structure for the Annotated Strategic Plan Outline:
Your plan for the strategic plan must have at minimum the following headings (depending on your sector, you may have more headings):
1. Board Authorization of Strategic Plan (in the case of a corporation).
o Project organization, including who the sponsors and champions are (such as the public, customers, supporters, and contributors
2. Organizational Description
o The organizations, units, groups, or persons who should be engaged, and in what ways.
o Communication
o State an estimate of the budgetary amount needed for the plan and justify it. Provide the foundation for the budget, which will be expanded in later assignments.
3. Mission, Vision, and Values.
4. Goals and Strategies.
Potential Appendices.
A. Action Planning (objectives, responsibilities, and timelines).
B. Description of Strategic Planning Process Used.
C. Strategic Analysis Data (External Analysis, Internal Analysis, and List of Issues).
D. Goals for Board Committees and Chief Executive Officer.
E. Staffing Plans.
F. Operating Budgets.
G. Financial Reports (Budgets, Statements, etcetera).
H. Monitoring and Evaluation of Plan (criteria, responsibilities, and findings).
I. Communicating the Plan.
Annotating and Planning the Strategic Plan for the American Red Cross
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Annotating and Planning the Strategic Plan for the American Red Cross
Executive Summary
The American Red Cross is a charitable and philanthropic organization that operates within the United States and extends its services to other continents. Rivera and Willard (2019) concluded that its purpose is to provide humanitarian aid through initiating and supporting projects while enlightening American public regarding threats posed by current...