Discussion Questions: If Animals lack reason, just as young children, or mentally handicap adults, what moral responsibility we have towards other animals? Should we still enjoy their flesh if we have other just as nutritious foods available? Likewise, we know that are certain very intelligent sentient animals such birds, elephants, chimpanzees. What should be our individual responsibility to protect them? Don't forget to post your response by replying to another student's thread. Unit 7 Readings Attached Files: Regan-The case for animal rights.pdf (62.751 KB) Norcross-PUPPIES, PIGS, AND PEOPLE- EATING MEAT AND MARGINAL CASES.pdf (107.35 KB) Cohen-The Case for the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research.pdf (226.168 KB) Singer-Animal Liberation.pdf (933.621 KB) animal suffering.pdf (568.03 KB) Unit 7 Overview In this unit you will examine the way we treat animals and why? You will reevaluate your view of the animals and their relationship to us and our planet. Objectives Examine the views on various views on animal suffering. Evaluate if animals are sentient beings. Analyze if we have moral responsibility towards them. Interpret the readings and form opinions about them. Learn how to state and defend a view using philosophical arguments. Think critically about how these philosophical concepts apply to your own views and life. Videos URL: “PSYCHOTHERAPY - Sigmund Freud.” The School of Life. Published Nov 28, 2014.