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Analyzing Visual Essay

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English (U.S.)
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Objective: To create an argument based on one of the selected images. I will send the images to you.
Write an essay that argues for what impact the image makes from what you chose.

Questions to think about:

-- Is the image positive or negative?
-- Are viewers supposed to learn something?
--Does it deter an action or cause an action to happen?
-- For whom?

You do not necessarily need to know the background of the image, but study the image carefully and based on your own knowledge (this can be from your own educational experiences, what you read in the news, what you may discuss with family and friends, and so forth) write your thoughts about the effects of this image. However avoid making sweeping generalizations about your topic.


(1) Write an introduction that gives an overview or background of your topic. What should they know based upon your introduction? Lead readers to your thesis. 
(2) In your support paragraphs, revisit the image; describe the purpose of the image and its effect (Here, you can have creative leeway). 
(3) Discuss what you want your audience to believe about the side you choose. It may help to put the images in context; in other words, what happened? How does this color what you believe about the image's purpose?


Use the following bold section as the subtopics for the structure of the essay.

1. Introduction (What should they know based upon your introduction? Lead readers to your thesis)

2. Is the image positive of negative (In your support paragraphs, revisit the image; describe the purpose of the image and its effect (Here, you can have creative leeway). 

3. Lessons to gain from the image ( Discuss what you want your audience to believe about the side you choose. It may help to put the images in context; in other words, what happened? How does this color what you believe about the image's purpose?

4. Does the image deter or cause an action to happen action?

5. Conclusion


The image provided was extracted from 


 Reuters / Friday, June 03, 2016 EMPLOYMENT READINESS: A graduating student of the City College of New York takes a selfie of the message on her cap during the College's commencement ceremony in the Harlem section of Manhattan, New York, June 3, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Segar  




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Analyzing a visual Essay


The image ‘employment readiness' which was taken on Friday, June 03, 2016 by a student who was graduating from the city college New York contains a large number of students who were graduating. Besides, a cap written ‘who’s hiring?’ is seen from the image worn by one of the grandaunts. The image is used to convey the fear the students have of lacking job after graduating since they consider it hard for all of them to secure jobs and their number is very large compared to the available employment opportunities in the economy. The words on the cap ‘who’s hiring?’ is an indication that many students are graduating from college every year and grandaunts are worried...


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