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Analysis report: Ace Auto Dealers
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The major problem facing Ace is the
ability to determine its marketing impact from various marketing tools
employed. According to Luan & Sudhir (2010), most of the companies spend
well over 65% of their running expenses in creating awareness concerning their
new and existing products to the current and prospective customers. For this
reason, a company should be able to evaluate the impact of all marketing
techniques adopted for the purpose of performance evaluation. Lack of these
information has impacted Ace by denying management a chance to know the best
marketing technique. In relation to this problem, I would propose to Ace to
develop a loyalty card that can give precise data concerning prospective
customers. Through this strategy, it will become more comfortable and
convenient for the customer who can be able to provide the feedback
efficiently. The feasibility of this solution is based on the grounds that the
company will incur little cost in designing a feedback system with a
sustainable reward in long-run.
The cost benefits analysis (CBA) of the system is highly feasible since the prospective customer can be able to check in and...