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Analysis of Articles About Two American Women Legislator Candidates

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Find two articles on the women legislators you have been assigned for the research project (one article about each woman). Discuss how the media portrays these two women either as candidates for office or in their capacity as elected officials. Provide examples from the articles that demonstrate any stereotypical descriptions and/or more gender-neutral coverage. What is the overall tone of the articles- positive, negative, or neutral as it pertains to your assigned legislator(s)? Include links to these articles at the end of your essay. Cite page numbers from Chapter 9 in C&F in the body of your essay

Senator Kristen Gillibrand and Rep. Karen Bass

Gender and Elections 4th Edition 

Susan J carroll and Richard l FOX



Analysis of Articles About Two American Women Legislator Candidates

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Analysis of Articles About Two American Women Legislator Candidates

Women play an essential role in reshaping and restructuring the leadership and political space in many countries worldwide. Globally, the current representation of women in legislative houses stands at 23.3 percent (Susan et al., 2018), showing a significant increase in the number of women ascending to the elective position. In the previous decades, parliament houses were dominated by male legislative before the international community awakened the need for involving women in the governance of their countries to make their voices heard. The endeavor of urging countries to inject more female candidates into the political arena is on the rise. Despite making great strides to narrow the gender parity gap, many countries still have less than 10 percent of women in their parliaments. In developing countries, in most cases, women encounter many challenges, such as social-economic barriers that frustrate the efforts of women in their race for political seats...


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