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An Analysis of “The Gender Gap in Pain” Article

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1) Read 

The Gender Gap in Pain, then re-read the article thinking critically about it. Answer the following questions in short-answer form. The article is found here: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/17/opinion/sunday/women-and-the-treatment-of-pain.html

A) Can you summarize the article in 2-3 sentences?

B) Find the best sentence that illustrates the issue/problem. Copy and paste that sentence. (How do you quote a passage from an article into a written assignment? Show me you know how to do that. Or that you can look that information up on the OWL/Purdue website you will use for MLA Formatting throughout the quarter. That link is found in our syllabus!) To which subjects/social problems might this article be relevant? 

C) Who is the intended audience? Who do you think actually reads this kind of article? What makes you think this? Who would be interested in reading this article?

D) Who is the author? What authority does the author have? Are they an expert? What is the author's relationship to the content of the article?

E) What is the purpose of this information? Entertainment? Persuasion? Etc. A mixture? Why do you think that?

F) What evidence does the source provide? Stats? Data? Defending points?

G) How timely is the articleIn other words, when was it written? From what years are the data and studies referenced in the article?

H) Does the article include references? Of course! Which organizations, studies, researchers, institutes, etc. are referenced? List them!

I) Is the information balanced? Or biased? A mixture? Why so?

J) Any multimodal elements in the article? Remember, a multimodal is any chart, graph, photo, audio, video, etc. that conveys information. Basically, anything that ISN'T simple text. Take a close look at it/them. Analyze it/them. Why were they included? What do they argue? Do they help support the article's arguments?

K) Where do you think this article was published? Newspaper? Magazine? Book? Journal? Is it a popular article or a scholarly article? Why do you think so?






An Analysis of “The Gender Gap in Pain” Article

The overall idea of the article is to articulate how different genders respond to pain and medication. Women are portrayed as having a high frequency to report pain, but they are also most likely to experience negative implications upon consuming pain-relieving drugs. The author further stipulates that, since pain is a subjective and self-reported aspect, many women are ignored and denied a chance for treatment.

The sentence that best illustrates the problem is, "It found that not only did women appear to suffer more pain, but that women’s reports of pain were more likely to be dismissed” (Laurie).

I think this article specifically target women as the primary audience because they are the one considered as victims. I believe women are the target because, at the end of the article, the author, being a woman, narrates her experience on how she tried to explain her pains to different health care practitioners, and she was ignored. Also, women would be interested in reading this article to understand how they can deal with pain and drugs that seem to work against their hormones.

The author is Laurie Edwards. She currently holds the role of an associate teaching professor in the writing program at Northeastern University. She has also written famous books such as "In the Kingdom of the Sick…" Therefore, based on her experience, I would think she is skilled in talking about the selected subject. Also, she has a relation with the article in that she has also undergone the same trouble of trying to explain her pains to medical experts who ended up disregarding her.

The purpose of the information is to sensitize and educate. The author intends to inform people about gender diversity on the matter of access to medical services and differences in body reactions upon consuming some pain-relieving medicine. Mainly, one will understand what they are likely to encounter when seeking medication services.


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