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Americans Interaction with Different Races and Religions

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Americans Interaction with Different Races and Religions


Americans Interaction with Different Races and Religions

The film, The Shadow of Hate was produced by Jennifer L. Gruber and narrated by Julian Bond. The original work was written by Charles Guggenheim and edited by Cathy Shields. The Southern Poverty Law Center spearheaded The Shadow of Hate and utilized real historical footage and pictures to illustrate the scenes that show Americans interaction with different races and religions. The primary theme of the film is the intolerance of human racial and gender diversity. 

It was in 1925 when about 40,000 Americans clansmen in Pennsylvania avenue matched in protest against Catholics, Negros, and Jewish. The event led to the beginning of the religious intolerance marked by coming of the Europeans in America, and they were ready to undergo hardship to attain freedom of religion. The beginning of America's 200 years of slavery was marked by the arrival of the Africans in the new world. Begging 1656, massive killings were witnessed with the prosecution of the Quakers and punishment through whipping, imprisonment and, evacuation. The Baptists of Virginia underwent through similar challenges since some were whipped, their ears cut off and tongues bored with hot irons. Quakers and the Baptists of the West considered these atrocities, and they were willing to fight for their rights to worship and be accorded same rights with the Americans.

200 years later, religious tolerance was still a challenge in the United States, and about one million and a half Catholics filled the slums in Philadelphia and New York. Their settlement was considered a threat to the inhabitants' way of life. The immigrants in the slums of Philadelphia were regarded as a more significant threat to religious beliefs of the Native Americans due to a conspiracy that the Vatican and the Pope instigated the motive of immigration. Attacks on church increased, and hate took a political form protecting every American through resisting the insidious Church of Rome. To achieve this objective, American placed their fellow Native Americans in all offices and voting rights were only given to Native Americans and they would only vote in favor of Americans Ruling America.

By the time of increased contention of religious intolerance, the only real Americans were defeated people evacuated from their land by the white men. One of such tribes was the Lakota Sioux. Their time was running out since their women and children were dying of hunger and diseases. The Native American from the Lakota Sioux community moved to the Pine Ridge Reservation where they could get food and make peace. Under a white flag of truce, the army ordered the Indians to move to the Knee Creek in the wounded camp, and they were disarmed. The gun discharged followed. "It sounded like thunder to a band of people that were totally disarmed," A woman narrated the events that transpired during the massacre of the Indians. All women and Kids were whipped out. The army dug a huge trench and tossed the bodies in. Bigotry and prejudice marked the beginning of the new world in America. 

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