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American Revolution in Education


Goal of Project The goal of the assignment is to generate a list of measurable criteria in order to be able to access the Micromobility policy alternatives created in the previous module. It is important that your criteria be practically measurable (time, costs, # of accidents, etc) and relate to each of the five guides for criteria in M&S (p. 116). You should consider the explicit objectives of stakeholders; keep in mind the previous module assignments.   Tasks Review Chapter 4 in Meltzer and Schwartz and try to link to your work from earlier modules. You should provide a list of at least five defined criteria (one for each basic guideline).   Write a summary outlining your analysis criteria for Micro mobility Policy, answering or addressing the following questions with as much detail as possible (up to 4 pages, no less than 2):  Identify the main objective(s) for the policy (and your analysis) In what ways are the objectives and criteria relevant to different key stakeholders?  Describe how your criteria relate to the five basic criteria outlined in M&S. What other basic criteria might be included or viewed as appropriate to this project?  What data or information needs to be collected to measure your criteria? How practical is your data collection process?  Consider previous projects, is your understanding of the previous modules changing? Stakeholders? Data needed? Deliverable #4 Your submission should address all the questions posed above (and any other item you think is worth considering), and provide a clear list of Criteria.  It should be organized in three (3) sections with an introduction, the main section that identifies your criteria (address the questions in part 3, above), and a summary takes away. Remember to separate your thoughts into paragraphs. You can also create subsections if needed.  Evaluation: Grading will be based on the quality of the writing: thoroughness, clarity, and coherence. Emphasis will be on how the information is selected, prioritized, and presented, including: Did you address all the items/questions in the instructions?  Did you read and research, properly cite any needed supporting sources? Completeness and thoughtfulness of answers. Quality of work: Good organization using sections and paragraphs.
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