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African Portrait Photographers


Write an article on African Portrait Photographers. It needs to be at least 1750 words. The aim of this study is to compare and contrast the works of two African Portrait Photographers, Seydou Keita, and Zwelethu Mthethwa in terms of their styles.Seydou Keita is a Malian photographer who was born in Bamako, Mali in 1920 and passed on in France in 20011. He began photography in 1935 after his uncle bought him a Kodak Brownie Flash allowing him to master shooting and printing but later purchased a large format camera. This allowed him to produce high-quality contact prints without the need of enlarging them using an enlarger. As most professional photographers do, he furnished his studio using props ranging from Vespas, backdrops, and costumes and allowed him to receive international recognition. Owing to his invention and modernization, he emphasized on the vital components of portrait photography of light, subject, and framing.Zwelethu Mthethwa is a South African photographer living in Cape Town and is one of the most known African artists in the western circuits. He has been very successful in visualizing the state of the people of South Africa through time to whom he refers as “others” as he touches on themes of migrant workers and minority groups in South Africa. This is evidenced by the award of the Grand Prix international d’Art Plastiques de Nice, in 1983 and the inclusion of his work in Venice Biennale in 20052. Both photographers have a great emphasis on the quality of the photographs they present, as they are involved in the preparation of their subjects to give the best outcome giving the other similarity between the Keita and Mthethwa.Seydou Keita and Zwelethu Mthethwa have a number of similarities in their style of photography including their quest to shoot the most beautiful pictures. This is in an aim to ensure they grab the attention of the viewers and make people look at their photos. They both employ this strategy as a means of getting people interested. take time in evaluating the composition of the photographs through spending extra time, and probing on the photographs for a better understanding of the work of Keita and Mthethwa. .  .  . .
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