Part 1 will require answering the Management Accounting: Information for Decision-Making and Strategy Execution, chapter end questions (only the questions below) and write a minimum of 3,000 words essay (in APA style, 7th ed.) using a minimum of 15 external references, and in-text citations explaining: Chapter 1 1-1 What is management accounting? (LO 1) 1-2 Why do a company’s operators/workers, managers, and executives have different informational needs than shareholders and external suppliers of capital? (LO 1, 3) 1-3 Why may financial information alone be insufficient for the ongoing informational needs of operators/workers, managers, and executives? (LO 1, 3) Chapter 2 2-1 Why are both financial and nonfinancial measures necessary to manage a company’s strategy? (LO 1) 2-2 What is a Balanced Scorecard? (LO 2) 2-3 What are the four measurement perspectives in the Balanced Scorecard? (LO 2) 2-4 Explain why the growing importance of in- tangible assets complements growing interest in the Balanced Scorecard. (LO 1, 2) 2-5 What two essential components should a good strategy have? (LO 3) 2-6 Why is a clear strategy vital for an organization? (LO 3) 2-7 What is a strategy map? (LO 3, 4) 2-8 Define and explain the role of measures, objectives, and targets, in the Balanced Scorecard strategy map. (LO 2, 3, 4, 5) 2-9 What are the two basic approaches to im- proving a company’s financial performance? (LO 4, 5) 2-10 Describe two broad approaches that companies can use to generate additional revenues. (LO 4, 5) Chapter 3 3-1 What are some different managerial uses of cost information? (LO 2) 3-2 Explain the difference between variable costs and fixed costs. (LO 1, 2, 3) 3-3 What does the term contribution margin per unit mean? How is the contribution margin used in cost analysis to support managerial decisions? (LO 1, 2, 3) 3-4 Explain the difference between the contribution margin ratio and contribution margin per unit. (LO 1,2,3) 3-5 What does the term breakeven point mean? (LO 1, 2, 3) 3-6 How are mixed costs and step variable costs similar and different? (LO 1, 2, 3) 3-7 How do step variable costs differ from fixed costs? (LO 1, 2, 3) 3-8 What does the term incremental cost mean? (LO1,2,3) 3-9 Why should decision makers focus only on the relevant costs for decision making? (LO 1, 2, 3, 4) Chapter 4 4-6 What has increased the need for cost systems that accurately deal with indirect manufacturing costs? (LO 2) 4-7 In the context of computing a predetermined indirect cost rate, what is a cost driver? (LO 3) 4-8 What are predetermined indirect cost rates commonly called in practice? (LO 3) 4-9 Why are costs estimated for individual jobs? (LO 5, 6) 4-10 How are indirect cost rates determined? (LO 3) 4-11 How is overhead cost estimated for individual jobs? (LO 3) 4-12 What are indirect cost pools? (LO 3) 4-13 Why do firms use multiple indirect cost pools? (LO 3, 4, 5)