How does the gospel distinctly impact the city of Jerusalem in Acts 1–7 and provide an alternative community (city)—the kingdom of God made manifest? In order to successfully answer this issue, identify 3 specific ways that the Jewish community of faith under the Messiah stands in sharp contrast to the community of Jews under its religious/political elite with its leaders. Bring in your readings/research of first-century Jerusalem from the Dictionary of New Testament Background as well as from Acts 1–7. Present these contrasts as 2 opposing columns or as consecutive/matching numbers.Present 3 things that characterize those Jews who rejected the Messiah in Jerusalem, using Acts 1–7 and your dictionary readings as support. In addition, present 3 things that characterize those Jews who have embraced the gospel. Each of the 3 characterizations should stand in clear contrast to their alternate, and each characterization should contain 1–3 sentences that are thoughtful, clear, and supported by your readings (cite specific texts/sources).